Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


King Arthur

Jen and I went to see King Arthur as part of our anniversary night, Wednesday. We were not impressed. It had its good parts, but they were mostly stolen from two other, better movies: Gladiator and Braveheart. I did enjoy Bors' character, and Alecto was well played. Also, Tristan, who looks very similar to the crazy Irish guy in Braveheart, definitely added to the screen. Great screen presence, he added a unique feel to the scenes he was in.

What they messed up:

Arthur: You never get to know the guy, hence you never get to love and cheer for him. He's supposedy "Roman", but they neither show, nor tell you anything about his experiences in Rome. His knights follow him against their own best wishes--he must be a great and beloved leader, even Merlin says he's a "true leader". Nothing is ever done to show his greatness as a leader, it's just assumed, I guess. "It's King Arthur, he's a great leader." Yea, but you're telling me a story, tell the whole thing.

Merlin: His presence is small, and almost insignificant. He's supposedy a "dark magician" but sure doesn't do much about it. Plus, he doesn't increase Arthur's rule or power, but just kinda begs Arthur to help him. Kinda weak, if you ask me.

Guenivere: She's a great model. Her poses are excellent. But, there is no love story. I'm a fairly normal guy, romance is not my favorite story, and I can feel too much of it at times, but this movie had none! The romance has been part of the legend's allure for centuries, and they turned it into a sexual transaction for allegience to the "Woads". I thought the whole thing was way lame. And, the goofy warrior suit they bound her up in for the battle was ridiculous. It hurt me to see it, and I don't even have breasts.

I could make some other complaints, but they're more biases than actual cinema critiques. In summation, there are a couple cool scences, but they've already been done better in better epic movies, and a couple of intriguing supporting characters. But, the legend itself and the main characters, Arthur, Guenivere, Lancelot and Merlin were all pretty weak, or at least hardly presented as well-rounded, believable heroes. I was never moved emotively at any level, as far as I can remember. There were a couple good chuckles, though.

Save your money. I wish I would have gone to see Troy instead. It's got to be better than this one.


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