Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


Seeking to Avoid Persecution in America

People are afraid of suppression.
Christians are joining together to enforce their political rights and are vying for political power in society. Through this we will restore America to Christendom and secure our freedom of religious practice and propagation, as well as our moral supremacy through legislation.
Of course, angry rhetoric against the majority is the surest way to ensure suppression leading to persecution. The American Church is stirring up fear and wrath in those who do not believe according to orthodox morality and dogma. They are afraid of these religious powers—afraid the angry “religious right” is aiming to suppress and persecute them.
Armed conflict is on the horizon; Civil War. America’s Church will take up the sword, and she will die by it. She is not interested in turning any cheeks or going down passively. The “religious right” believe they are the majority, and that this conflict will be solved through legislation. They are wrong. If they continue to wage this war, violent persecution and assured defeat is in store.
The surest way to preserve our liberty is to win the hearts of the people. We can do this through compromise, which is no option, as we would die in the process. Or, we can do this through compassion like Jesus. We can feed the hungry, care for the widow and the orphan, and defend the innocent.
In this manner, our actions will be heard, and people will be willing to leave Jesus in our hands. Currently, everyone wants to claim Jesus for their own; wants to “save Jesus from the Christians.” If the American Church would follow Jesus’ teachings in active love, Americans would be more willing to let the Christians keep him.
Persecution would still be a possibility. The gospel life is subversive to the American way of greedy consumer capitalism, and the power-lust of a corrupt political machine. However, “peace makers who sow in peace will raise a harvest of righteousness.”


  • At 9:46 PM, Blogger 8rent said…

    Listen to Matt. He has a sense for the prophetic and speaks wisdom.


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