Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


my vote

I’ve decided two things regarding my vote for president this year.
I wish Kerry was not going to win, but I am pretty sure he will. At this point, Bush is a sure win in my state of Louisiana, though, so my vote’s pretty much useless if I vote for W. If things tighten up considerably in Louisiana, I will reconsider voting Bush, but for now it wouldn’t help anything, so I’m voting elsewhere.

2) I plan to vote Libertarian. I want to be a part of the third-party movement. Most of the major social issues in America cannot be solved by the current party system of politics, because the parties are completely polarized. The solutions to our problems need some of what each party holds dear, but neither will give a little to gain a lot, because what Republicans hold dear is what Democrats hate, and vice-versa.

So, we need a third party to enter the debate. If a third party can garner 8% of the popular vote, they will get government money to run their campaign the next year. That money will advance their cause greatly, and eventually, hopefully, open the political debate of America; opening it up out of mudslinging and rhetoric and into real problem-solving.

I chose Libertarians, because the Green Party is just freaky, and I think a Libertarian federal government may be best for America. As much as a third party might help us in our quest for a better nation for future generations, the real solutions are going to come locally, where compromise can really work. And, on the local level, people can network, know one another, and really know the issues at hand. Libertarians would open up states to do what they think best, and that may be the best thing for America.

I know I won’t be a part of electing Badnarik for president this year, but I may be able to play a small part in a growing revolution against the two party system—a system George Washington sagely warned us against.


  • At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you say somethings that are full of non-sense. At least from what I have read.

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    ok, full of non-sense. what part is non-sense? it doesn't do me any good to be told i've said non-sense in my life. care to clarify at all?

  • At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think voting third-party this year will send a great message to the Republicrats. Personally, I'm voting Libertarian because the Republican party is hell-bent on taking too much power away from the people. I'm not voting Democrat because I think it's not the government's job to redistribute wealth and provide for the general financial-wellbeing of anyone.

    I'm not throwing away my vote; I'm voting for exactly the candidate I want. Sure, there's no chance for him to win, but if third-party candidates start gaining respect, you'll get more people voting for them and you'll see the two major parties start to change their policies to get these voters back.

    Republicans: Repeal the Patriot Act, stop with the Gay Marriage ban, and we'll talk.


  • At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So Matt do you support the gay marriages or what?

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    um, gay marriage: i thought i thoroughly addressed that in a previous post. pfunk is opposed the the ban, and that builds his opposition to the Republicans. i am in favor of state based marriage ammendments that define marriage as a legal contract between one man and one woman. i am not opposed to homosexual couples calling themselves "married". i am opposed to letting the social institution of marriage as defined by law be destroyed, which i believe legalized gay marriage will help accomplish. i believe that sex is meant for heterosexual marriage only, but do not support legal sanctions against "deviant" sexual behaviors among consenting adults.

    *deviant--deviating from what is allowed


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