Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


justice triumphs over mercy - Clint Paul Bellanger

Pilgrim's Journal - Insight into a Wanderer's journey - Clint Paul Bellanger

My friend, Clint, has some well reasoned arguments regarding pacifism, just war, and justice in general. Check it out.

As I recently said, I lean towards pacifism. Clint says,
Would you go against your survival instinct to hold an ideal that will make you extinct?

In certain situations, yes. I believe so strongly in mercy and peace, that I would die for them. However, as much as I disagree with Clint's belief that justice is greater than mercy, I cannot accept absolute pacifism.

One scenario where I reject pacifism is in the protection of my family. I believe my obligations of love and fidelity require violent action to meet the threat or reality of violence against my wife, and other immediate family members. Honestly, this extends quite far for me. Let me put it this way, if I was a student at Columbine High School and managed to keep my wits in the midst of the savegery that took place there, those kids with guns would not have had the opportunity to end their own lives before dealing with my justice--even if that justice ended succinctly with a bullet in my chest. I will not sit by in the presence of murder, and do nothing.

Also, I see that society must act of a slightly altered moral continuum than individuals, alone. This is difficult to fully elaborate upon, and it can easily be taken too far. I do not have time to delve into this tasty conundrum, but hope to sometime in the near future.


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