Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


gouge it out!

I just returned from Mexico and have plenty to say. Ex Nihilo's comment need's real addressing, and I hope it will soon receive it. However, the thougt below hit me hard today, and I think it deserves a reading.

Gouge it Out! Cut it Off!
You must be as a little child!

Jesus is serious about leading us to the Father. He doesn't pull any punches.
"It's your ignorant self-reliance, arrogant self-respect, and abhorrent self-absorption that keeps you from perceiving the reality of God and entering into the Kingdom of Righteousness. Stop playing games at being good enough, and seeing how much you can get away with, and just let your Father love you. When it hurts he'll kiss it, when you're lonely and insecure he will embrace and encourage you."

Jesus demands faith, a childish and illogical virtue. He speaks out clearly and violently against all attempts to enter God's community that rest on human effort, ingenuity, pride, or reason. All of these are virtues in the proper conext--the context of faith. Apart from faith, all of these work us into the fall of Adam and Eve; trying to be God. Most times, we opt for trying to make God like us, but in our worst moments we all grasp for the rights that are God's alone; standing in judgment over him.

This is the sume of Jesus's teaching:
"Stop trying so hard to be what you cannot be. Stop trying to make yourself God--you'll only die in the process. You just can't cut it on your own. I am the Way."

He constantly turned all human reasoning on its head. He rejected the hypotheses of social evolution and the surival instinct of natural selection in human beings. He broke the human ego and exalted it to the heavens.
"You are more than any animal. You are desperately loved. You were meant to live for so much more."

*couldn't help the Switchfoot reference


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