Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


my new year's resolution

I have decided to waste my life.
In the words of the post-modern philosophers, "every action takes place in a web of social struggle." No action is without violence, and every embrace carries exclusion with it. This is the world I live in. This is the world I will waste my life on.
There is no utopia I can create. There is no great eternal peace that I will foster, nor will I impose my own peace on the world. I cannot end racism, sexism, ageism, or any other form of bigotry, hatred or prejudice. But, I will waste my life in pursuit of this dream.
In the midst of my struggle for justice, truth, peace--embrace--I may just bring reconciliation into a broken friendship, or help an international student find truth and justice buying a used car. Maybe, I will find the courage to uncoditionally face and embrace my wife without exclusion. Certainly, I will find Jesus i the midst of it all. I'm convinced that he will be in this struggle with me, as he wasted his life on the same dream. He embraced exclusion itself. He will be with me.
And, in the midst of this waste, I hold onto hope that the Kingdom truly is at hand, that Jesus is returning with the light of all truth, the reconciliation of perfect justice, and the liberation of real peace. It's a fantastic, foolish dream. I believe it in the core of my being.


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