Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


the best coffee

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i thought i'd let y'all know that i've found some great coffee.
allegro is a bulk coffee available at Whole Foods. it's fair trade, shade grown gourmet whole beans. the prices are good, too. so, you can enjoy a great cup of fresh coffee for a good price, while doing a little bit to help farmers in developing nations and save a bit of rainforest. how can you beat that?

my favorite so far is the Guatmala-Anitgua. the Mexico is nice, too, and i haven't tried their version of Kenya yet, which is my usual fave.



  • At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No one is commenting on your site bro. Whats up with that?? I don't like coffee myself so I don't know all the kinds. haha So I can't relate to your coffee fetish. I do like a cappuccino once in a while. Maybe some day I'll like coffee.

  • At 4:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    i'm not sure why the no posties have hit. apparently, new folks have not been visiting. i don't know how anyone really discovers my blog, but for a little while my profile views number was shooting up, now it's stagnant. anyway, i still want to know who anon is.

    the coffee is the same as they serve at whole foods, but i'm talking about bringing it home to make myself. yum yum, i'm about to make some. :)

  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who is anon. Is that an abbreviation for anonymous? Like me? Actually I discovered this blog when I was looking up someone named Matt. So I did a search, and it linked me to this blog of yours. But I think I won't come back.
    Just kidding. Or maybe not, I mean I don't really know you, why would I come back. I just thought it was funny that someone else had said no one was posting.


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