Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


semi-random blog of note

Awakeland (the blog of Seth Worley:
"ah, the blog. it really is a vicious tool used to convince people that they really are the leading characters in their own little movie. i'm pretty exhausted. this whole 'leading role' thing is getting tiresome and starting to make me sick. supporting characters were always cooler anyway, and ensemble casts were always more interesting.
let's quit with the self-righteous blogging. 'woe is me' is old and useless if all you're doing is typing it. i'm tired of all of this honesty and authenticity that only shows itself through the comforts of a website.
see you guys around."

just discovered this blog - a fellow coffee-lover it seems.
i really like his thougts here. i feel them myself fairly regularly these days. how do i be all that i am, yet remember that i am not the lead role?
this is the long and sometimes lonely journey of true humility:

I am what I am, nothing more, and nothing less, so help me, God.


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