Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


humility vs. ego and the fine line paradox

I keep running up against the same question. Sometimes it's a nagging doubt in a relationship. Othertimes it saps my confidence from my work as a campus missionary. Occasionally, it threatens my faith.

It can be phrased many ways. Here are few to help draw out the nuances I wrestle with:
Where is the line between the concern of love and the demands of selfishness?
What is the difference between a bold defence of truth and a bigoted belittling of another's perspective?
How much of my truth is the Truth, and how much is contextual construction?
Where does one fall from humility and teachability to the quicksand of relativism?

The challenges of postmodern philosophy, the outspoken claims of irate and disillusioned "postChristians", and the realization of my own undercurrent of arrogance have combined to make me very conscientous of this fine line paradox. I have a significant amount of experience with "street witnessing" or "contact evangelism", and it is in these scenarios that I began to see the battle. When I meet someone to share faith with them, I can take a couple of different approaches. However, the most often used approach is a rather domineering approach that I have come to see as being more about the expressing of one's ego, and/or the fulfillment of a religious obligation than about truly sharing the truth in love. If I am to love someone, I must do my best to express that love in a way s/he will understand as honest care. Love is not something I can express on my own terms.

I know I'm jumping around in this a bit, please bear with me.
Where does love enter the picture? Well, I am convinced that the Great Commandment (Love God, Love your neighbor) comes first in priority, over and above the Great Commission (make disciples of all nations/preach the Good news). When I seek to fulfill my role in the Great Commission, I must do so in obedience to the Great Commandment. The people I interact with, whether it be in a faith conversation, through public speaking, or in a day-to-day relationship must be honored more than myself.

...that's all for tonight. I will continue, hopefully tomorrow.


  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger 8rent said…

    We can't really help how people react to our actions, but a dynamic relationship with Christ results in actions that feel more sincere, humility that isn't relative and opinions that aren't bigoted. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the closer we are to God, the more impact our actions have, normally in a positive way. Some people still won't get it, but all we have is all we provide. People's perceptions are entirely theirs, right or wrong. It makes no bearing on how or why we do what we do.


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