Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


an interesting thought on Taxes

I am a member of Renovare
In the most recent
Perspective newsletter Lon Fendall, Director of the Center for Global Studies and the Center for Peace and Justice, as well as the former Legislative Director and Campaign Manager for US Senator Mark Hatfield, was interviewed. He said this:

Generosity. For some, April 15 is a day of mourning, as if paying taxes were the greatest imaginable burden for being Americans. The Bible teaches us that we are to give cheerfully to the Lord's work, even with reckless abandon. It seems reasonable the we would rejoice on "Tax Day" as well, as we think about cheerfully giving a portion of our earnings to those in need.

Of course, there is still the issue of whether our tax dollars are actually helping those in need, which is much of current political debate. However, the point is well taken. If many Americans, myself included, would get our thoughts off from our own comfort, even for a little while, taxes would not be such a burden. Our tax dollars support the common good; roads, law enforcement, national parks and forests, national defense, support for children whose homes are unlivable, etc...

I think that this idea could revolutionize the face of the "Religious Right". If we begin to see ourselves as agents of change, people whose job it is to bring freedom, justice, hope, and succor to the week, needy, sick and imprisoned (as Jesus commanded us), our ideas regarding taxes, social economics, and so on would all be changed. Our political choices might range beyond the topics of tax cuts and abortion. There is more at stake, and a grateful, cheerful attitude should be the first step toward changing our nation for the good.

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  • At 2:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You have a point, Jeff. The government has been irresponsible. One problem with your point: it's going to take money to fix their mistakes. So your fight will simple bankrupt the nation... kinda sucks, eh?

    Willow, I'm with you on this. Complaining about taxes will never, ever, shall I say it one more time..? it will never solve a single problem, or help a single person in our family, community, city, state, nation, or world.


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