Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


my political rant

I am not typically inclined to desire a meeting with celebrities; however, I would jump at the opportunity to meet George W. Bush in a personal setting. He seems like a real man, with real faith, and real flaws. I’ve seen him succumb to party politics, and the evil of mud-slinging in this election, but all in all, he seems like a genuine guy. He believes what he says, and he says what he believes—it’s beautiful.

Yet, I disdain the idea of endorsing his politics. He is convinced of the ridiculous idea that America is God’s nation in the world today; the peace-keeper, the law-maker, the bearer of the “white man’s burden”: democracy, capitalism, and Christianity to everyone, everywhere. This mindset has embroiled us in a disgusting war in Iraq, while we do nothing in the land of Sudan where Saddam Hussein looks like a non-threat, and Saudi Arabia where most terrorists come from and are funded from. Of course, we can’t get in Saudi’s face, they’re our oil friends…

Ok, I’m getting ranty, already. It boils down to this: Bush has bad foreign policy (you can’t force democracy on a nation, that’s tyranny), Bush has bad economic policy (you can’t fund a government by increasing spending and decreasing income; and the rich of America need no more incentives to continue oppressing the poor and sending work over-seas), Bush has a skewed view of America (we must be held accountable by someone, even if that someone [UN] is a bit tacky).

But, Kerry….eie, what’s the difference? First, I can’t vote for a guy whose unofficial campaign slogan is, “Bush sucks, vote for me!” Second, his official slogan, “Building a Better America,” or whatever it is, is just as much a joke. The guy runs his mouth on and on about how he was not in favor of the war in Iraq, the way it happened…who, the heck, cares?! We’re in it, now, and it’s got to be solved. As far as his plan to medicate the whole nation…umm, we can’t even afford Social Security as it stands, how are we going to fund a $1.5 trillion a year program without totally ransacking the whole country’s economy? He has no answers, because there are no answers. Our nation is not ready for this kind of a plan, and I’m not so sure it would be a good thing, even if we could fund it.

Otherwise, Kerry is pretty much in line with Bush. His view of America in the world is slightly less arrogant, but only in a “it’s cool to be against the war” kind of way. He shows no more concern, maybe less actually, regarding areas of the world where real nasty stuff is happening. He’s just the other side of the same old political system coin. The coin lands heads up or tails up, it still crushes everyone underneath it.

It’s time for something new. The political scene in America is polarized beyond salvation. I’m voting third party, and I’m sticking with Badnarik, the Libertarian. The Green Party is too socially “secular”. They want to mandate funding for abortion in America and around the world. They want to remove all vestiges of faith of any kind from the public square…. They’re a bit scary with their insistence on secular, naturalism. Humanity is a faith-based organism, you can’t remove faith from its inner or outer workings, and expect it to survive long.

The Libertarians would deregulate everything, but without the anti-faith design. Power would break down to local levels, and real solutions to social problems could be advanced. A Libertarian America would be anarchy. A Libertarian Federal Government could be the freedom our nation needs to get itself back together.

Regardless, it’s time to do my part in the “third party revolution”. I’m not voting against Bush or Kerry. I think voting against a candidate is stupid. If you can’t vote for someone, then it’s time to vote against the system that denies us real choice. I’m voting against the current political system!

Let the earth tremble and shake at my ballot!


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