Matt Tries to Write a Novel

I am attempting to write a novel. Here I'll post the story as it comes, as well as some of my thoughts regarding the experience. Enjoy the ride, and offer feedback, please.


Heaven II

Some thoughts from my journal. This is just as I wrote it. Some of it is borderline heresy that needs some major working out, but that's for another time.

Heaven is the dream of humanity, the pinnacle of desire; consummation.
Heaven is an equlibrium of inifinity. In God's presence is fullness of joy, but not the fullness of a large and delicious meal. This fullness is of joy, which is strength, a dynamic life-giving thing. The equilibrium is fullness of joy; it is found at the convergence of two peaks: desire and satisfaction.
Satisfaction is most complete the instant it exists, and detiorates rapidly. Desire (longing) is a thrill, a joy of its own, and the joy of it grows with the intensfication of the desire, if the desire is moving toward satisfaction. In God's presence we find the moment of most intense longing, and most complete satisfaction in the same eternal instant.
Heaven is not a static good feeling. It cannot be an instant everything, because the instant everything is received the joy begins to decrease. God is infinite, which, logically, means He does not even know the end of Himself. You could see Him as constantly expanding, like the Universe He created, and He is always a moment behind Himself, in awe of what He sees. When we join Him in this eternal adventure is when we experience fullness of joy.

...I think I just made Heaven sound like fun to myself, a fun that really would last forever. It's still terryfing, but it's good.


  • At 1:55 PM, Blogger Brett Berger said…

    I like the thoughts on satisfaction meeting desire.

    Thoughts on God may need some more work. If God is expanding - like the universe - he is not infinite.

    What do you think?

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I know it sounds like a diminishment of the traditional understanding of God as infinite, but I think it's not, here's why:
    If God's inifinity is set forever is it really infinite? It sounds like a finite ideal, as finite means with an end. If God is eternally expanding He truly is infinite; without end. However, this must be placed in the proper context: God is all that was before He made all that is; He is more and larger than all that is, or ever will be, as all things find their source in His being. He is not becoming more, or larger in the sense of different, or in some way improved: stronger, faster, smarter, etc. He is becoming more and more of Himself, ever expanding; creating more and more eternally, and all creation has its place inside the eternal love-dance of the Trinity.

    *disclaimer| I do not claim this as a true theology, but enjoy toying with the idea.


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