a minor annoyance
Hello? Do we follow the same Jesus? The violence against the Messiah was terrible, as the movie shows, yet it accomplished great good; it accomplished the completion of God's wrath against, basically, His own Self, rather than against humanity. We often call it atonement. Salvation, forgiveness of sin, eternal life, renewal and redemption--it's all available through the suffering and resurrection of Jesus.
Now, was the movie all that some prominent evangelical leaders were pumping it up to be: one of the greatest evangelistic tools/opportunities in history? By no means, was it such a thing. The portrayal is accurate for what it intended to be; nothing more and nothing less than a breath-takinlgy realistic reenactment of the suffering of the Messiah. This story makes little sense to those outside of the circle of devoted; i.e. well informed, followers. The violence is not explained. However, the portrayal should have a profound effect on the follower of Jesus. Remember his sufferings is the call of the Mass/Eucharist/Communion. This is one of the foundations of the Christian faith.
Will the movie ever enter my DVD library? Not likely. My list of favorite flicks? No. It's too heavy to be viewed regularly, or for me, maybe even more than once. However, it was not a silly movie, nor was it an insignificant event in our culture. Why don't the progressives shut up and make some progress somewhere?
As I said, I'm minorly annoyed. It's a lot of silliness that sounds like embarassment at the suffering of Jesus--not a very progressive Christian sentiment in my book.